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Category: Cricket
New Year, New Beginnings
Christmas is in the rear view mirror and 2025 has begun, which means the Cricket Section is now counting down to the start of the new season. Before the on […]
Cricket Section Update
The humble Annual General Meeting may not be the most celebrated event in the club calendar but it is perhaps the most important gathering outside of a matchday. Despite this […]
Cricket Club Presentation Evening
The playing season may have ended but there has been no shortage of off field activity in the cricket section in the past month with the presentation evening and the […]
Dave Foster – RIP
At the end of last week, we were saddened to learn of the passing of former Walsham player Dave Foster.
Junior Cricket Update
The cricket club is not just about the senior teams, we also have a thriving junior section with age group teams starting U9s and running all the way though to U19s. Coach Adam Howe gave us a rundown of this week’s activity.
Opening Night
Readers, in the dark days of February and March, before the ritual of the clock change, may have look forlornly out of the kitchen window at the saturated ground and […]
The Wrap Party
It’s a time-honoured ritual within the Cricket Club that transgressions of a minor nature throughout the season get logged away in Tim Gilbert’s little red book, only to re-emerge in […]
On Having Given Up Cricket
Extending the theme of Laskey’s poem, ‘alert in the heavenly deep, beyond the boundary of sleep,’ one might imagine that there is a pitch that needs rolling so that the […]
The Adventure of Baker’s Hip
There are some known and well-understood principles at Walsham Le Willows Cricket Club; a lot of them focus on the established etiquette of how to play the game fairly and […]
On the Nature of Fate
And so it was on that Sunday afternoon earlier in June, when Finn Daly was, once again, giving the assembled masses another in his excellent series of topical lectures. Finn had […]