The Times They’re A Changin’

Those writers that might prophesise with a pen would predict followers of  Walsham Le Willows cricket hold a palpable sense of ebullience for 2023. 

The fallow months of winter, interspersed with the odd early morning update from a hazy Lahore session of Bazzball, are receding; the blustery March days are hurtling us towards the inevitable three-jumper April fixtures.  Such is the inexorable march of cricketing seasons.

April will bring us the damp petrichor to fill our lungs. We shall start to dream of the warming afternoon sun on our backs as we watch our fellow mortals conquer their demons – “Do not, however slow and loopy the arc of this ball, swipe massively across the line”.  Follow instead the mantra of Wrightball – thrust that pad out as far as your hamstrings may allow and hide that bat away.

Christmas, on reflection, was not a good time to buy the new cricket whites.  Very few of the backbone of Sunday cricket have managed to navigate the difficult waters of middle-age with an assiduous dedication to balanced diets, so peeling on the figure-tight, modern tops is somewhat wracking for self-esteem.  No teammate should ever have to help another into clothing.

The hardcore athletes of the two Saturday sides have found their way to evening ‘nets’ in a cold sports hall. The eyes of the new 1st XI captain Oli Jackson studying the creaking, aching sight of underused muscles to glean a plan to meet the edict of Chairman Rick – ‘promotion for all, and nothing less’.  Chairman Rick has started to write such proclamations into his Little Red Book.

We also prepare for a new season with the Junior sides.  All Stars and Dynamos return in early May for the 5 to 11 year-olds (those new to the area would do well to join us for fun and games on a Friday evening – find out more on the ECB website).  Sides are mustered for the Under 11, Under 13 and Under 17 – with training nights and matches planned under the tutelage of Ned, Adam, Quentin and Luke.

And so, remembering that the slow one now will later be fast and that whilst elsewhere those times they might be a-changin’; for Walsham Cricket, we are unwaveringly back into the rhythm, routine and regularity of seasons past.


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